Let Your Anxiety Float Away With Floatation Therapy

                          I’ll admit I was sceptical coming face to face with the prospect of floating in a small…


9 to 5 Fit: Keeping Fit & Healthy

Training in dance and musical theatre doesn’t lend itself to sitting down at a desk all day, but sometimes your career path takes an unexpected turn and you end up…


Next Stop, Philippines: Our Island Hopping Experience

Firstly, you have to understand that this was our one experience of the Philippines and yours may be very different. I just think it’s important to be real and honest……


Vietnam Travel Guide

The third country on our itinerary was Vietnam and other than having seen the musical Miss Saigon over 100 times (no exaggeration), I didn’t know much about it to start…


First Stop, Japan: A Guide

The first stop on our gap year tour was Japan and, SPOILER ALERT, we loved it! We chose Japan simply because of the reward flights that were available on the dates…


How To Take An ‘Adult Gap Year’

Ever thought of dropping everything to go travel the world? Students do it all of the time. Just because you have the 9 to 5 routine down, doesn’t mean you’ve…


Health & Wellness: Misophonia Mentality

Back when I first looked it up, no-one really talked about misophonia. Now, it tends to be spread it across the internet and more people are aware of what’s up…


One Night in Berlin: A Guide

Okay, so actually… it was three nights in Berlin, but I was going for ‘catchy’ over ‘factual’ with that heading. I’d never really thought of going to Berlin before, but…


A Geordie in Paris…

After wandering around in a beautiful circle (where I got lost and ended up back at my apartment – brilliant), I decided to give the metro a go.Being accustomed to…


A Little London Date – Where Should We Go?

So, you both swiped right and managed to find someone a bit great. That’s great news! Now you need to make some actual date plans to meet in the real…


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